About The App
Affly is an app tracks the health and nutrition status of athletes from a variety of sports. It monitors the ratio of activity level and the amount of food being consumed. In addition, the app tracks the athlete's sleep hours and quality to ensure that the user is sufficiently resting prior to performing physical activities. The final main feature of the app is the 'help' page, which has links to major mental health websites as well as emergency hotlines in both English and Spanish.
Purpose of The App
The purpose of this app is to limit eating disorders in sports, such as anorexia and bulimia. The app strives to help establish a safe environment for athletes from different fields and levels. Eating disorders are commonly widespread in the professional field and are extremely detrimental to one's body and mental health. In addition to being a health monitor, the app offers a variety of resources
Why It Was Created
As a member of the figure skating community, I was inspired to create this app after witnessing the traumatic experiences of other figure skaters with eating disorders. Anorexia is especially common in the field since the sport requires a weight limitation for the professional field in order to perform certain elements. Since eating disorders also apply to many other sports including track and field, I was inclined to create this app in order to maintain a safer community.